Unlock the Secret to Sculpting Your Ultimate Adonis Body and Lifestyle

Imagine melting fat off, building lean muscle, and reaching your own greek god physique - all without sacrificing your life to the gym. Feel the confidence and vitality you've always deserved, tailored just for you.

Start now
Before and after of Marcel's gym journey

Are you finally ready for a change and proven system?


You have personal contact with me and I actively reach out to you. You can ask any question 24/7. Wish to change something or need further specific advice? Let me know and I'll answer you personally.


Everything is completely personalized to your specific needs. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to health and optimizing your human potential. You will get no cookie cutter and copy&paste program from me.


A healthy mind in a healthy body. This coaching is not only about looking good or like a bodybuilder. Work on nutrition, sleep, mindset, hormones, and a healthy environment is all included.

Do you want to achieve similar results of other clients?

  • Before and after of Marcel's client #0
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #1
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #2
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #3
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #4
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #5
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #6
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #7
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #8
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #9
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #10
  • Before and after of Marcel's client #11

Look better, feel better, live better

Your own fitness enhances every aspect of your life and truth is, everything you need for a change is already inside you. You will be healthier, feel more energized and confident. Your full potential is just not realized yet.

Experience a new way of approaching training, nutrition and how to smoothly adapt it into your day to day. This coaching lets you enjoy the process and unlock new ways of thinking.

Everything the coaching includes

  • Extensive questionnaire to begin with

  • Your own fitness routine with instructional videos and form tips, always know what to do and how

  • Customized weekly macros, meal plan examples and further nutritional advice with a recipe list, always know what to eat

  • Weekly check ins based on your biofeedback, current progress, including your form in the gym through exercise video upload

  • Continual re-assessment & changes to your routine based on what is necessary for you to continue succeeding in your health & fitness journey

  • Monthly strategy calls for our communication and further goal setting

  • Document database for improving every aspect of your life

  • 24/7 flatrate for questions on Telegram, personal contact with me

  • Constant reminders from me to keep you accountable and motivated

The only requirements are you having internet access, a mirror, a bodyweight scale and your willingness to change something. You will get extra motivation and reminders from me personally.

What does the process look like?

  • 1

    Free Assessment

    You get a walkthrough of the process in a first call, how we will achieve your change together in a breakdown. I also will look out for your work ethic. You need to be willing to change something, to put in the work in and to be open to new input about fitness and health.

  • 2


    After a detailed questionnaire form, I make a thorough analysis of you and know where you need to get to. Everything will be considered and adjusted to your routines and life circumstances.

  • 3

    Go Time

    Once you join, time will only start with you having everything you need. I'll give you the complete layout and go through it with you together. Along our partnership we constantly adjust and I let you in step by step, changing your habits sustainable. Only needs your action from there.

Why trust me, who am I?

I've been in the sports and fitness industry for over 10 years, have been an athlete and coach at bodybuilding and powerlifting competitions, I am a licensed fitness trainer and have worked in gyms. I founded my own powerlifting club and advised and accompanied countless people to their fitness and health goals.

During this time I got to know the most different methods. I tried every trend out myself and went through my very own transformation, with a lot of trial and error. My approach involves German precision and efficiency, and you can always count on me.

You profit from these experiences, accompanied by a holistic approach in my coaching.

I will show you how to expand your consciousness, bring body, mind and soul into harmony, and what the best and most efficient way is to achieve your health goals.

Let me prove to you, based on my own transformation, that I know how fat loss and muscle building work, and what is all possible. Starting out at 17, doing a lot wrong in the beginning, believing in general fitness BS until finding finally the true path.

David's head with a carrot in his hand
Marcel Schaar at the age of 17

17 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 18

18 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 18

18 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 19

19 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 20

20 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 21

21 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 21

21 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 21

21 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 22

22 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 23

23 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 24

24 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 25

25 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 26

26 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 27

27 y/o

Marcel Schaar at the age of 28

28 y/o

Are you ready to finally change your physique and level up your health?

Message me to get your journey started

Here's what more people have to say...

Beautiful young lady in gym clothes

Motivating Coach!

Marcel is the right person to talk to for holistic health. Health can be much more far-reaching than sports and nutrition.
In addition to help and quality tips for effective training and healthy nutrition, he shows you which habits in everyday life can also contribute to your well-being and how you can optimize your physical appearance beyond training. I have also been able to get some good impulses for my mindset through him.
He simply provides a lot of tangible knowledge that helps to positively influence body and mind in the long term and is still super motivating, always responsive to questions and responds individually to you.
Marcel is a great recommendation for anyone who wants to get the best out of themselves and is looking for competent support! :)

Leonie W.

Fit and aesthetic man with huge shoulders

Dedicated, competent and helpful!

I moved to Lüneburg with sporting ambition and interest. However, I lacked a goal, for which I did my hours of training. I met Marcel, who, as an outgoing and curious person, first gave me an insight into weight training and ignited the fire in me to take part in a competition.
He took the time to coach me, to give my training a structure and above all to make my training more effective. It was important for him not only to sell his knowledge by means of a training plan, but also to give me as his client as much as possible along the way.
His experience and motivation helped me a lot to prepare ideally for the competition and to complete it successfully. It is clear to see that Marcel is not only concerned with shaping his clients physically, but also mentally.
Because only an athlete who is mentally strong can also perform physically. And only an athlete who feeds his body the right nutrients can perform both mentally and physically. How this is connected and above all works, he will tell you and makes you fit in the truest sense!

Karl P.

Athletic women flexing her shoulders and arms

Individual PT for everyone who wants to get strong

Marcel takes care of his clients individually.
Training, nutrition and lifestyle are a holistic concept for him and he addresses the personal wishes and needs of his clients in his coaching. Marcel designed a training plan for me that was tailored to my Crossfit and running training. This allowed me to improve in both disciplines and, above all, to finally increase my strength levels, which had been stagnating for ages. He was always available for me and provided me with a lot of helpful feedback. An absolute recommendation for anyone who is looking for personal training tailored to their needs and wants to get strong and fit.


Man with six-pack flexing his bicep

Goal-oriented, competent and committed

In October 2021 I became aware of Marcel and followed his Telegram channel since then. On the channel I had the feeling to be informed purposefully, sensibly and reasonably and therefore I decided at the beginning of 2022 to join a coaching to overcome some "blockades".
After an initial meeting at the end of January to get to know each other, we agreed on the period of coaching for the beginning of February to the end of April 2022.
For my part, I unfortunately did not formulate the goals of the coaching consequently and thus certainly left some potential unrealized; in general, I was mainly interested in (1) breaking bad habits and (2) building productive routines. I was able to partially break the bad habits, and partially build productive routines.
As noted, I certainly could have gotten more out of it with more investment on my part.
Marcel appeared to me always alert / fit, motivated, informed and committed. He is competent and thorough; due to his many years of experience in the field of weight training / nutrition / health, etc., he always points out perspectives and approaches in conversation that would certainly have been difficult to think of on one's own. Also, he never tires of pointing out the great effect of small changes that are followed in the long term.
I can only fully recommend the mentoring!
But you should be honest with yourself, clearly formulate your goals and keep them in mind - then nothing stands in the way of achieving satisfactory success!

Alexander H.

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